Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Other Lake

Back in August KJ, Avlynne and I had the privilege of spending one night at Lake Pend Oreille with my parents and my nieces, Ali-Ray and Sophia. My parents rented a condo at Pend Oreille Shores Resort where we used to own a time-share condo when I was in elementary school. Just like I loved getting to share Priest Lake with KJ and Av, I loved getting to share this special place with them too as well as my nieces. Some of my favorite things about the "condo" include:

-listening to people walk on the boardwalks
-the train that passes by and whistles every night at 9 pm
-huckleberry picking and huckleberry pudding cake
-being the 1st person to "I spy" the condo & then getting to be the 1st one to open the door
-taking baths in the "big" tub in my parent's room

We could only stay for less than 24 hours this time however we managed to accomplish each of these memories to some extent or another (we didn't pick huckleberrys but I did have some jam on my bagel and it was Av's turn to take the bath in the "big" tub). We also created some new memories:

-Avlynne went swimming for the 2nd time and got to swim with her cousins
-KJ began to teach Av how to play basketball, as well as Ali-Ray
-I did a Fancy Nancy puzzle several times with my nieces
-We told lots of Daddy Steve stories to my nieces about what he was like as a teenage boy at the Lake
-Sophia did Grandpa Doug's hair
-We watched several episodes of the Cosby Show

Ali-Ray & Grandma Sharon

Mama and her Baby Girl (repin' her Malibu onsie)

Sophia and the "Amazing Grandpa Hair-do"

Learning good form at a young age

Swivel chairs are the best!

The Lake

This weekend we had the privilege of spending 2 days at
the Strait Family's cabin on Priest Lake. They graciously allowed us to use their beautiful place to have a retreat with our area's Young Life leaders. Funny thing is that it turned out to be an all-girls weekend (except for KJ of course). None of our guy leaders could make it. I told my husband that if there was any man who could handle a weekend in a cabin full of ladies it would be him! He was such a great sport! We seriously have some amazing leaders in the Northwest Spokane YL area and we are excited to see what the Lord has in store for this year.

I loved getting to share this place with KJ and Avlynne as it holds many special memories for me; ASB retreats, girl's campaigner weekends, post-prom overnighter, bachelorette parties and a wedding. Avlynne especially enjoyed her 1st weekend at Priest Lake AND getting to hang out with 10 fabulous "Aunties." She also loved the fact that we pulled out all the stops and allowed her to sleep in her swing all night long. This was not our proudest parenting moment, but when she slept for almost 11 hours without making a peep we decided we could sacrifice our pride for a good night's sleep! She was quite a stellar sleeper for a few months, sleeping 9-10 hours straight, but all of a sudden she has decided that she doesn't like going to sleep and she doesn't like staying asleep, so we utilized our resources (the swing) and made sure she had a good night's sleep as well as those poor college students sleeping above our room. Has anyone else done this and had their child turn out to be normal? I could use some assurance that we aren't ruining our child's chances at being a good sleeper or you can be honest and tell me that I am...I'm new at this whole parenting thing and need lots of wisdom!

Avlynne and her Daddy on her 6th Month Birthday