Sunday, April 29, 2012

Avlynne Kay Johnson

Okay, so this post is about 2 years overdue. Documenting our life through Instagram has been much more my style. Sitting down at my desk to accomplish anything has NOT been my style although it is something I desperately need and long for. "Organizing my life" as my college roommates liked to call it. Needless to say I have a huge pile of stuff to get to on my desk and I am starting to feel overwhelmed. First trimester exhaustion is not helping. So today is my birthday and what did I ask KJ for...a day to have basically no other responsibilities than sitting at my desk/computer, catching up on laundry and laying on the couch to read whenever I got tired. Kind of nerdy but wonderful nonetheless! So, here is a poem my Dad wrote for Avlynne when she was born. I will save it in her babybook but wanted to make sure it was somewhere else safe and sound. Plus, I wanted to "show-off" my Dad's gift that he occasionally blesses his family with. He has become quite the thoughtful writer in his later years.

Avlynne Kay Johnson

(First read by Grandpa Doug with Avlynne in his arms on Sunday March 14, 2010, the second day of her homecoming from the hospital and on the occasion of Samuel's 7th birthday party.)

Now, we know your name
See your face, in the light of day
Saw your face, knew your name
God, before creation, deem your stay

A loving family
Graciously given, Johnson name
"From riches of His glory"
To help you thoroughly claim

Blessed to be a blessing
Chosen for purity and light
Called to praise your Savior
And live in Spirit's strength and might

Created by Him and for Him,
to journey with us for a time
Christ in you, hope of glory
The way to heaven, most sublime

For passing on our brokenness,
Bringing you into a world fall'n, we are sorry
We'll faithfully show you Jesus
And tell you salvation's story

Avlynne, you entered this world in pain,
You'll probably leave it in pain too
Between, it will wax, and it will wane
With it, the Christ of the Cross will know what to do.

Many times you'll need to say, "I forgive."
By God's grace your heart will be free to do
By that same grace which He freely gives
You will see His forgiveness anew

Over many, many distant years, one by one
You will sadly place us into the hands of our loving Creator God
Then one day, when God says your earthly mission is done
Again we'll joyfully gather to welcome your arrival from this earthly sod

Thank you for giving us such a treasure Dad! And thank you Lord for giving us these past two years with Avlynne Kay Johnson!